Support - Donate - Volunteer

Welcome! We invite you to help us keep Tamworth’s unique New Hampshire community, outdoor, and recreational traditions alive and well.

How Can You Help?

You don’t have to live in Tamworth to join – but you do have to love it! All donations and offers to volunteer are gratefully accepted. Help support a great cause and be part of our vibrant, soul-nourishing activities.


Drop us a line, join us at a meeting, or attend our events. There’s no formal membership, just come as you are. The form below will start the process, so tell us who you are and what areas of our programs are of interest.


Our Mailing Address

Tamworth Outing Club
P.O. Box 311
Tamworth NH, 03886

Or Use Paypal:

Click the button or use the QR Code Below for the Paypal Donation Portal where you can choose your amount. 

QR Code for TOC Paypal


Interested in helping? Fill out the volunteer interest form below and someone will be in touch!

  • Trail Clearing
  • Adopt-a-Highway Trash Pickup
  • Halloween in the Village
  • Junior Ski Program
  • Winter Fest
  • Fourth of July
  • Sled Dog Fun Day
  • Junior Ski Program